Saturday, March 2, 2024


We're still trying to identify this handsome AMG model in the skin tight leggings.  Brian added one photo to this previously posted series.  


  1. Replies
    1. Yeah....I think you've got it. Thanks!

    2. Well, I can't say I agree. The Bill Edison I have (posed a few times with John Garner too), has several tattoos on his arms and a scorpion tattoo on his abdomen. He also has a smooth chest while this guy has a thatch of hair. I have a third photo of this guy in his tights, but of course can't place them right now.

    3. James I do not see how this could be Bill Edison. This model does not have the Tattoos or the same face as Bill Edison. Brian E. Correctly pointed out that this model is NOT Bill Edison.

  2. Subtle erotiske fysikk portretter av en vakker mann.
    Tightsen gir en god idé om hva som ligger under.

  3. Wie ein balletttänzer fullt er seine strumpfhosen gut aus. :)
    Gutaussehender mann mit verborgenen reizen.

  4. Oui, bel homme Edison est comme ballet danseur,
    il serait une étoile du ballet de l'Opera de Paris.
    -Beau Mec à Deauville
