Monday, December 30, 2019

Shower Buddies

John Adams (left) and an unknown (to me) model clean up in the often occupied AMG shower.  John did many films at AMG, but I know at least two of them were never released.  This unknown model may have been from one of those films.  

That's Jim Johnson.  Thanks to Brian. 


  1. JOHN ADAMS and JERRY ULRICH in the AMG Shower after making "ADAMS vs ULRICH" in 1970. It was the only AMG Film JERRY ULRICH made and it never was released. You posted photos of the unidentified model wrestling JOHN ADAMS. JOHN ADAMS is with JERRY ULRICH in these photos. Both Men made a Wrestling Film in Posing Straps at AMG called "ADAMS vs ULRICH ". The projected release date for this posing strap film was close enough to the beginning of nude films that this Film was never released. That is why it is so difficult to find photos of JERRY ULRICH that have him identified. I am fairly certain it is JERRY ULRICH because I have a Photo of him holding his name plate beside JOHN ADAMS doing the same.!!

  2. Thanks again. I updated my post.

    1. JOHN ADAMS is another Vintage Model I really liked but he is a true enigma to me. First off was JOHN ADAMS his real name or a stage name? Even if it was a Stage Name it makes no sense for a Man from Dixie to have/use a name of a Yankee President from Massachusetts? JOHN ADAMS the model was said to have had a noticeable Southern drawl when he spoke and he had a Confederate Flag Tattoo. If you ever find out anything about that or what ever happened to him I would love to know.?!!JOHN ADAMS the model vanished in 1975.!!

    2. Ok, I know it's been a while, but I have to correct Cambria on this one. In all photos it's John Quincy Adams on the left and his partner is Jim Johnson NOT Jerry Ulrich. If we follow GEVI's entry, these are probably from the AMG film Johnson and Adams [1971]. Also, Cambria, when you say Jerry Ulrich holding a name plate with John Adams, do you maybe mean Jay Ulrich? I have several photos of Jay UIrich posing with John Quincy Adams (in and out of the AMG shower).
