Sunday, March 29, 2020

Another Wyngate & Bevins Film?

Another set of photos where I'm not sure whom to credit.  They have a somewhat Wyngate & Bevins look -- a studio that specialized in filming and photographing naked guys in outdoor sessions -- and they often used AMG models.  Usually the titles of their films vaguely described the subject.  If this is a W&B film, let's call it With Six You Get Egg Roll.  :) 

In the top photo we see the solidly built Johnny Stumps as King of Hill.  In the other two photos Johnny is replaced by Bob Bryson -- another AMG model.  I don't recognize any of the other models.  

Now let me throw a monkey wrench into the middle of this.  If I had to put money on it, I would say this is from Bruce of LA.  I can't put my finger on why, it's just a feeling. 


  1. Location might be the backyard of the Bruce home on Kensington Road? It seems to me I remember a Joe Napoli set with a similar location?

  2. Yeah, Kensington Rd sounds good for me.
