Friday, September 6, 2024

Big Beef

Larry Wiswell at AMG, circa 1965.  


  1. Wiswell looks like he’s ready to have his sweet ass mounted in that last photo, Wish-well is more like it. :)

  2. Larry Wiswell was photographed in 2 films on 2 days in January 1963. Mizer kept no other notes about him and did not list any information about him or either of the films in Physique Pictorial. That usually would mean that Mizer was disappointed in his work. Larry Wiswell clearly did not make much of an impression with Bob Mizer.

  3. C’est un miracle que Mizer puisse suivre autant de ses hommes. /:
    -Beau Mec

  4. Beau Mac: Larry a fait deux films pour Mizer. Si dix clients disaient à Mizer qu'ils achèteraient ses films, Mizer sortirait le film. Larry Wiswell a joué dans un film intitulé "Snotty Cop & the Hood". Mais je doute qu'il ait été diffusé. Bob Kennedy y jouait également. Il semble qu'il n'y ait aucune photo de ce film.
