Monday, September 9, 2024

Dave Thompson

Brian sent me some photos of AMG model Dave Thompson, including a better image of the photo I posted the other day.  I really like the top photo where Dave gets his cowboy look going.  Works for me.  Yowza! 

Brian says the bottom photo is also Dave.  OK.  He's younger looking and the hair is shorter.  I'm not doubting Brian, but I would never have guessed that was Dave.  It does tell us one thing, though.  Dave did more than one AMG session and probably a few years apart.  Oddly, I don't see a record of any film work for AMG.    


  1. Now you've got me thinking, James. That may not be Dave Thompson in the last photo. I have have lazily suggested a face match from my software. Consider the 'jury is still out' on that one.

    1. OK. Agree. There is a remarkable resemblance in penises, though. Just saying. 😁
