Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Earl Lawrence 3/3

Earl is the cat burglar and Spencer Durante is the policeman who catches him in the 1964 AMG film The Cat Burglar.  Yada, yada, yada...the two guys wrestle.   Spencer wins.  Kudos to the costume department.  

I guess Earl was trying to steal the cat.  

Thanks to Brian for the photos.  


  1. The Cat Burglar is "caught in the act" by patrolman Spencer Durante who intends to take him off to jail but the burglar has other ideas, disarms the policeman-- they brawl but the policeman wins. This was a really poor short film but worth it if you liked the Model(s).

  2. Ja, großes Kudos an den Kostümanbieter.
    Es sieht so aus, als hätte Spencer sein eigenes Kostüm zur Verfügung gestelt, vielleicht war er ein Mann aus dem Ledermilieu der Nacht.
    1964 waren viele von Mizers Modellen Männer von der Straße.
