Friday, September 13, 2024

Middle Man

Mike Wilson is the blond in the middle who looks like he stuffed a roll of salami in his pouch. I don't recognize either of his mates.  

Guido and Cambria got the names.  On the left, Gene Sullivan.  That's Lucky Hale on the right.  Good job, guys! 


  1. Film is called: Wilson, Sullivan & Hale
    Names according to GEVI are Gene Sullivan and Lucky Hale - but as far as I don't have other photos of Sullivan or Hale I can't say who is left and right ...

  2. LEFT to RIGHT: Gene Sullivan, Mike Wilson and Lucky Hale. I have some photos of both Models and will send to Guido. The film was made in 1965 and scheduled for release in 1974. It is unlikely that it ever was actually released because no market existed for Posing Pouch films in 1974.
