Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Something Different

Not my usual type of post, but this one sure caught my eye.  I have no information regarding the photo.  

The building in the background is making me think Great Britain.


  1. This one naturally caught my eye. Google Images search was no help, but it reminds me of another stadium shot deep in my G-rated archives. If I track it down, I'll let you know. Meanwhile, theft in progress!

  2. This is an AI image; the middle guy's exposed torso has wrinkles like cloth, and the number on his shirt is far too small for sports field identification purposes.
    The foreground guy has a weirdly contorted body facing the wrong direction, his hand is hideously deformed which is an AI giveaway every time. lastly the shorts they're wearing wouldn't be around until the late 1970s. this looks like a late forties or early fifties shot supposedly, so the shorts would have been much baggier and definitely high waisted. This is definitely not genuine. Added to which nobody would ever have been that brazen in a public space. There's a reason Bob Mizer used a studio and his protected rooftop, this sort of shot would have been impossible. I just spotted another giveaway that it's AI, image generators always give people jug ears, I don't know why but they do. Every time I've tried one out the images are all of men with sticking out ears.

    1. Thank you for writing and giving us details to support your claim. Nice job! I guess this image was too good to be true.

  3. I did find an unaged version with google images. But still the same questions. Still curious and compelling. Nice to look at.

  4. Rather sure I've seen this on Troy Schooneman's Instagram (@troy3xyz). Can confirm he works with AI.

  5. This pic is now my desktop wallpaper!!
