Saturday, January 4, 2025

Happy New Year!

I know I've been MIA for a few weeks and I won't bore you with excuses.  I just wanted to share this photo that grabbed my attention at an auction site.  The seller attributed it to AMG.  I can't say the model or the set look at all familiar.  Anyone?  

Guido says this is Joe Bolen.  Thanks!  


  1. Glad to see you back, James! Hopefully someone will be along shortly to name this fine model.

    1. Just dipping my toe in for now. Thanks for the welcome.

  2. The very background looks like a projected photo of the lake at MacArthur Park in L.A., so probably is from AMG.

    1. Happy New Year and welcome back, a blog break is needed now and then. Sorry can’t name the model or the exact photographer, so many physique models went unnamed or had numerous aliases, some shared by others :\

  3. glad you're back! nice backside!

  4. I wish I could name this guy. I surmise, James, that you found this on the same seller site that we've recently been 'harvesting' from? I have 5 more of him (from the same site). I've named him 'Fake jungle scene' to keep his photos together and to be an easy memory jog were I to finally get his name. Two of the photos show his face clearly, but my software has no ID for him.

    1. Oh, please send! I'd like to put a face to that butt. After my own, of course.

    2. Cheeky! I've sent them on to you just now.

  5. Happy New year, James
    According to the background I have labeled this/these photo(s) as Joe Bolen - in the AMG 1000 model directory his picture is on page 7.

    1. I knew Guido or Cambria would give us a name! You're 100% correct Guido! Thank you so much!

  6. JOE BOLEN was AKA JERRY BOLEN when he posed for Bob Mizer at AMG in January 1953.

  7. I must disagree with Guido on this one. Yes, absolutely the seller listed photos of Joe Bolen that same week, but this shot is Richard "Dick" Norman. I'd recognize his proportions from outer space. The seller listed photos him both with his natural hair color and with his bleached look (that version was used in 1000 Model Directory.)

    Guido, please see if you agree with this in mind.

    I often see Ralph Kelly shots of him attributed to AMG - Likely because he isn't nude, and just in a white studio. But Kelly took lovely shots of him too.

  8. Ok, apologies to Guido. The photo arrived, and i was wrong ...dang...i thought for sure i had the ID, but it is Bolen....not that im upset about him either... Ha. Still love me some Norman though.
