Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Shower Buddies

I originally made this post more than five years ago.  I didn't have any model names, but I think I have at least one name now.  I know I have a bigger audience today and I'm hoping to get a few more names.  Thanks for your assistance.  

I have other photos of the guy on the left, but not a name. 

I think someone's going to recognize one of these guys.  Note the tan lines the guy on the left has from his waist to his thigh.  It looks like a bar code. Ha!  I've seen the swimsuits that would do that.  It's like it has ventilation slits. 

Will someone please remind me the name of the guy with the tattoos.  Two photos. 

That looks like Mike Wilson on the right.  I think.  

I'm pretty sure I've recently posted photos of the guy on the right. 

Neither one of these guys ring any bells. 


  1. # 1 is Bob Thompson (left) and Eddie Groothuis (right).

  2. #7 are David Ray (left) and Jim Shulz. Name of the film: Dr. Schulz's Manikin - you have already posted a picture with these two holding the name card

  3. #3 and #4: the guy with the tattoo is Larry Dave Ahrendt. The picture may be taken after the film "Paper Doll", because his partner looks a lot like Buddy Love.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. #2: no names - but you posted two pictures of these guys already on the 8th of June this year - I remembered the bar code.

  6. #6: Don Foster (left) & Steve Raymond.
