Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Earl Lawrence 1/3

Last month I posted a photo of Earl Lawrence wrestling an unknown model.  I stated it was from the AMG film When a Plumber NeedsFriend.  Brian dug into his well-curated archive and sent me all of the photo in today's first three posts. 

The top photo is a promotional calendar for upcoming AMG films. The promo says the film was released 60 years ago this month.  As you can see, Earl's wrestling partner was not identified.  In fact, we're not told which model played the plumber. 

Many thanks to Brian! 


  1. Earl Lawrence was a Hairy Cub from Iowa-- a State that produced Dennis Lavia and Ron Wallace. Bob Mizer was genuinely surprised that tiny Middle America Iowa could produce so much Grade A Prime Beef.!

  2. Iowa State University at Iowa City has many corn fed beefy boys as per Alan Light at Flickr….:)

  3. Thanks for the credit, James! I couldn't keep a lovely furball all to myself!

  4. 1st pic is Bob Thompson & Eddie Groothius... check your email
