Sunday, July 5, 2020

Classic Posers Part 1 of 2

Today I'm posting something a little different that most posts.  Here we have a collection of AMG photos (mostly from the posing pouch era) where I have no ID on any of these handsome lads  Maybe one or more of my followers will recognize a few.  

First up is a lovely blond with a bulge you can't miss.  

Maybe it's me, but this guy really makes me think of Liberace.  

I've seen this guy in the past, but I never got a name.  For a clue, note the "Dick" tattoo.  

I'm not sure this is even an AMG photo. To me, it's looks more like a Bruce photo, but let's see if anyone recognizes this classic beauty.  Ricklane did.  That's Miles Conley.

Scoop Helentall

Sailor cap and fishing nets were popular motifs from the classic posing pouch era, but if you look closely this guy is sans pouch.