Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Ted "Rock" Hudson

Brian sent me a few more photos of Ted "Rock" Hudson who posed for AMG and Wyngate & Bevins in the early to mid 1960s.  

Here's a rule of thumb.  If Ted is wearing a pouch, it's AMG.  If he's naked and has some facial hair, it's W&B.  

1 comment:

  1. Wyngate & Bevins was the fancy name of the production/sales company that was owned by Rocky Snyder and his boyfriend Sandy. Other people, including Bob Mizer, did the photographing and filming for Snyder. Snyder was pushing the limits of the law at that time and would pay Mizer to do nudes and porn that Bob Mizer would never put his name on for fear of being arrested for distribution of pornography. Rocky Snyder would pay the models. Mizer kept few records of W&B work and to avoid legal issues names were rarely used for the Models and when they were they were fake.
    Rocky Snyder usually selected the location for filming. They were usually outdoor locations. Most of the early nudist ranch group photos, the Desert films and the films on the AMG RoofTop were done for Wyngate & Bevins by Bob Mizer. When Mizer was doing work for W&B the models were almost always Men who had already done work for Bob Mizer. W&B photos with no Bob Mizer models or just one were almost always not by Bob Mizer.
