Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Hans Mueller (The first one.)

Hans Mueller is one of my favorite Nova performers from the late 1970s and early 1980s.  OK, he had that distracting mop of hair, but that made him easy to identify when you were looking for Hans in film.  Besides, he more than made up for that hair with his generous endowment. 

There was another Hans Mueller who did a bunch of gay pornos a decade after this one.  We were told he was from Austria. 


  1. He had that bunch of hair because in the times he worked, long hair was fashionable in all the boys. But he looked beautiful. I loved him.

  2. Das wilde leben Wiens ist diskret und anspruchsvoll.
    Als typischer Oesterreicher ist Mueller ist sowohl zuruckhaltend als auch wild und zeigt seinen 'taint' und seinen phallus.
    Bereit, es einem mann zu geben.
