Thursday, February 14, 2019

Scotty Cunningham

Popular Bruce of LA model Scotty Cunningham in a photo by Bob Mizer (AMG) in the late 1960s.  AMG called him Steve Buono. 

Bruce died in 1974.  In his will, he left Scotty his entire estate. 

1 comment:

  1. Scotty Cunningham (Bellas's lover/partner) was a stage name for Steve Buono. When Bruce died in 1974 STEVE BUONO vanished from physique photography. He literally vanished. STEVE would sell his inheritance and the Bellas home to Kurt Deitrick who ran Kensington Road for 3 years or so before closing down. Steve Buono did not even attend the funeral for Bruce Bellas. Kensington Road was 100% the work of Kurt Deitrick who was really Kent Lee Schlesselmen. Steve Buono he would be 77 if he is still living but likely assumed a different name after 1974 when Bellas died. No one really knows.
