Thursday, March 7, 2019

Jerry & the Spacemen

Jerry Sullivan displays the guns for Art Capp (left) and Art Gilligan in the well-trafficked AMG shower.  The three of them appeared in the AMG film Ganymede and the Spacemen.   

In Greek mythology, Ganymede was the most beautiful mortal on Earth.  Few would argue Jerry fits that bill.  The two Arts play the spacemen who come to Earth and find Jerry wandering near the spaceship.  The aliens want to examine Jerry up-close, so they exit the spaceship and approach the shirtless earthling.  An obliging Jerry has no problem showing the spacemen his body with various muscle man poses.  For no apparent reason, the aliens decide to wrestle Jerry -- sort of.  The wrestling in this film is more like playful fun.  After the friendly match, the aliens invite Jerry to see the inside of their spaceship.  Whether Jerry went back to their planet is left unanswered. 

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