Sunday, March 24, 2019

Kangaroo Court

The full cast of Kangaroo Court (AMG, 1961).  From the left: Terry Caldwell, Howard Frame, Arthur Pruett, unidentified guard and Shan Daymore. 

Poor Terry is the new hood in the jailhouse who tries to make friends with his cellmates, but they're a bunch of jerks.  Some roughhouse wrestling takes place and Terry "beats" them all.  Best moment?  Four guys wrestling wildly on the floor caused the cell door to fall down.  Oops!  No matter, the film must go on.  

A fun film to watch, but I had one qualm.  The handsome guard was never identified.   The credits listed only the cell mates.   On a positive note, though, Arthur Pruett's ass looked incredible in that jock strap. 

1 comment:

  1. Did Arthur Pruett ever do any other work for any other Studios.? Did he ever pose full frontal nude?
