Saturday, June 29, 2019

Here's A Nice Match

Kris Todd (left) and David Televito during their wrestling / spanking match at AMG.  I know there are a few followers out there who have a thing for Kris -- and I completely understand -- but watching this match I had trouble taking my eyes away from David's lovely ass.  For the record, so did Kris.  


  1. I wonder which of these guys, Kris or David, won the wrestling match. I've seen both of these guys on AMG videos seperately before, but I never saw them together. I'm guessing that it must have been around the mid-1980s. They both look pretty evenly matched. But just guessing, I'd have to say that Kris was probably the winner.

  2. I never saw the match but I would guess Kris, too.

  3. Looks like an all you can eat buffet!!
