Thursday, July 18, 2019

Introducing Debbie Smith

I mentioned in some previous posts Bob Mizer would sometimes put a "real girl" (his words) in a film.  Here we have Debbie Smith in a couple of stills from the AMG film King's New Chamberman released in 1965.  The three guys were never identified and (to my knowledge) never did any other work for AMG.    

In one of AMG's Physique Pictorial issues, Mizer told us Debbie had married the popular AMG model, Lou La Venture.  Mizer thought the marriage was a bad idea and told Lou he should reconsider.  But the couple soon went ahead with their plans.  

A year or so later, Debbie and Lou got a divorce and she married AMG model Doug Scott.  Mizer told us that marriage was fraught with tension -- both on and off the set -- and I assume this was the reason Debbie, Doug and Lou soon disappeared from the AMG film brochures. 

I have provided Labels for both Lou and Doug if you're interested. 

1 comment:

  1. DOUG SCOTT is on the far LEFT in the 1st photo and he is taking a bath in the 2nd photo as he played the King's New ChamberMan. Mizer learned after Debbie Smith not to allow GFs at AMG as it caused turmoil. RON TAYLOR is on the far RIGHT. The King with the big necklace is TONY GENTRY.
