Thursday, July 11, 2019

Pretty Face Bob/Sean

AMG model Bob Kisler showing hard in a promo photo for one of his Filmco videos.  Bob posed for Old Reliable as Sean McWilliams. 

David Hurles, the proprietor of Old Reliable, gave us an update on Bob/Sean after he dropped from sight in the late 1980s.  I quote from memory, but David said he had not seen him in a while, but according to an acquaintance "the bloom was off the rose". 


  1. Enjoyed watching horny Bob (aka Sean) in wrestling matches. Like many of the models, he had a natural athletic, muscular, and lithe build. Obviously proud of it, and enjoyed showing it off. How can I get a hold of Old Reliable or AMG videos featuring him and a few other models.

  2. The proprietor of Old Reliable was David Hurles.

  3. On your knees.
    Kisler's engorged cock must have been 'serviced' many times....:)
