Saturday, August 24, 2019

Brothers? (See update.)

Two handsome chaps who (IMO) could pass for brothers enjoy the LA sunshine by the AMG pool. 

Update: Jerry Bell (left) and Ted (or "Rock") Hudson. See the note from cham_cham below.  


  1. I thought these guys were pretty cute too. I put their faces through facial recognition and came up with Jerry Bell (on the right in the last photo, who helpfully also has the word "Jerry" tattooed on his upper arm) and Rock Hudson (not THAT one!) for the other fellow. Mr. Hudson also has a tattoo to aid in identification, but it's not as clear.

  2. Great info! And there's now a lot more! I knew Rock Hudson looked very familiar. Well, I did post him in the past, but I have him listed as Ted Hudson. (He used both names.) It gets better. Jerry Bell had a brother named Ted who also posed for AMG, but he didn't do any film work. That's where the "brothers" came to mind for me. Thanks for the info.
