Friday, August 23, 2019

The Artist & the Bum

Joe Napoli (brunet) and Jerry Sullivan in a few stills from the AMG film Artist & the Bum.  Both the artist and model strip down to posing pouches.  

Joe a bum?   Nah!  But he sure had a great bum.  


  1. Just found your blog and I love it! Never thought I'd see a picture of Joe Napoli with his clothes on! Great blog! Thanks!

  2. Thanks for the kind words. Stop back often. I try to update every day.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Love the blog! Amazing! Do you know if there were any still of this shoot published in print? Also, is the film accessible somewhere?

  5. L'artiste et le modèle, un thème éternel
    Sullivan et Napoli auraient été un succès dans n'importe quel bal d'artistes et de mannequins en Amérique ou en Europe.
    On les imaginait gambader au Carnaval de Nice, l'Escalade de Genève ou faire la fête a Hollywood.
