Wednesday, August 28, 2019

More of Joe & Jim -- UPDATED

Joe Napoli (left) is one of my favorite AMGs models from the mid to late 1960s.  He was another one who first posed with a pouch and then went "au naturel".  I still haven't identified his partner (James?) but maybe this post will jar someone's memory. 

Update: See Rick's comments.  The unknown model is Jim Giussi and you'll find other pics of him on this blog.   I always get stuck on Jim's name.  


  1. Over the years I have developed a mental block on Jim's name. Thanks!

    1. JIM GIUSSI is often spelled wrong. It was pronounced like "JUICY" in JUICY FRUIT. These photos of JIM with JOE NAPOLI were from the AMG Film "My Hero" which was released in 1972. It was a good film but it had some defective exposure. It was filmed years before 1972 and that is why the Guys are wearing Posing Straps. Mizer knew he could sell this film even with Posing Straps because JOE and JIM were in it.! Both handsome stars with large fan bases.!! JIM GIUSSI was 10 years younger than JOE NAPOLI and was the same height at 5 feet 3 inches. JIM was from Stockton California and like JOE had gymnast training.!!

  2. Giussi and Napoli compare the fullness of their pouches....:)
