Sunday, September 1, 2019

Models With IDs

Here we have three AMG photos where the models were identified in the photo itself, something I wish Mizer had done more frequently.  

First up is Dick Duran and Scott Lenny in a photo from the late 1950s.  Rick is on the bottom in this one.  I don't think this is from a film. 

Next up is Steve Baker and Ed Miller and again I don't think this is from a film. 

And finally, Dick Durant again and George Savage get personal in this photo.  George did several films for AMG in the late 1950s, but I don't think this is from one of them.


  1. Did Bob Mizer use these self-captioned photos as promotional materials or as part of some indexing system? Regardless, I have to love them as a collector because we always know who's in the picture.

  2. I think the name cards started with the films in the 1960s. I don't recall seeing them in any photos, unless they were from a film. That's what makes the photos in this post unique. I don't think they're from a film. Like you I wish there were more of them so we can identify the guys forty, fifty years (or more) later.

    1. There is a great color photo of Ed Miller posted on Vintage Naked Muscle Men. Bob Mizer's codes indicated Ed claimed to like women but would have sex with Men for money. Ed had done some time in Prison and had "Prison" Tattoos.!

  3. Nichts ist wilder als der gemeinsame spass des seemanns.
    Erst der spass dann der richtige...
