Sunday, December 15, 2019

Nice Spread

Bob Kisler (aka Sean McWilliams) in one of my favorite photos of this handsome stud.  AMG called him Bob, but in at least one of his films for that studio you can hear Bob Mizer call him "Sean".  He also did a lot of work at Old Reliable who also called him Sean.  I suspect his real name was actually Sean.  

Sean did some hardcore for Nova back in the early 1980s. See him in the Nova loop Jocking Around.  There he used the name Steve Decker and did a hot as hell three-way with Brian Hawkes and Billy Joe Evans who became much better known as David Ashfield.  Brian and Billy put Steve through the wringer in this one.  


  1. Jocking Around loop added to film Locker Room Fever- got pretty famous after the cover of video was displayed in Time Magazine as part of the DOJ'/ Att. General Ed Meese's commision on Pornography.

  2. I never knew that. It reminds me of the "marine gay sex scandal" in the 1990s that centered on Bobby Garcia. But the enterprising Dirk Yates took full advantage of the publicity to advertise his titles -- and many of them were used to cover the scandal in the press. I read somewhere his sales went through the roof.

  3. He's serving up a real nice buffet! Nuts and berries for days...
