Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Drama of AMG

Don Hejduk and Robin Roberts pose for a few stills while filming the AMG epic drama Wrongly Accused.  Years ago I saw a small clip of this film.  I don't recall the plot (if there was one) but I do remember both guys laughing like hyenas once they got physical.  

There was quite a size difference between these two.  We were told Robin stood six feet, four inches.  He looked like he had at least a foot over his opponent.  Mizer spoke very highly of Mr. Roberts.  He said Robin was a "real gentleman" with a winning personality.  

Don Hejduk was probably better known as Bruce of LA model Charlie Ram. Yep, that's him.  

1 comment:

  1. ROBIN ROBERTS pubic hair was so thick that Mizer had to trim it back. It is mentioned in several books and in some places in PP. It could not be contained in a Posing Strap.
