Monday, June 22, 2020

Facial Expression

Two models for AMG who really got into showing expressions on their face.  The one with the lighter colored skin is Bill Smith, who did a ton of wrestling matches for AMG.  


  1. This is the hottest thing I've seen in a while. I would love to see more expressive models just like these. I'm totally putting in a request for more posts of the aggressive unknown model in this set. I'm dreaming their are sets of him going toe-to-toe with CJ Ermes and Tim Knight. What a hot dirty fight!

  2. There might be, because I think that Bill Smith, C.J. Ermes, and Tim Knight all posed for AMG around the same time period, and they all did plenty of wrestling. I know that there are pix of C.J. and Tim wrestling with each other in some of the AMG publications, so possibly there could be some videos as well.

  3. This is some hot stuff for sure.
