Friday, June 5, 2020

Nine Male Nudists

Today we have some photos from a magazine promoting the Wyngate & Bevins film Nine Male Nudists released in 1966.  

The studio operated in the mid to late 1960s and produced a few dozen films targeted to a gay audience.  Many of the films focused on groups of naked guys having fun in the great outdoors.  In this film we see a diverse group of nine guys swimming in a pool, enjoying a hike in the hills, practicing some calisthenics and (believe it or not) a few of them pick up swords and show us their fencing skills.  Good, clean fun in the sunshine.  

As usual, W&B did not identify the models, but if you look closely at the photos you'll see Monte Hansen in three of them.  Sorry for the poor quality of these pics.  

That's Scotty Bowers on the left.  You'll see him in several of these photos. See comments and thanks to J. 



  1. Scotty Bowers is in several of those photos, as well.

  2. Scottie Bowers is in a couple of these, if I'm not mistaken. His grin and his penis are pretty recognizable. The photo with guys seated and he's standing up is pretty clearly him.

  3. I still don't know which one he is.

  4. Third row down, standing beneath the shower head, at the left. Fourth row down, standing at left, looking directly at camera.

  5. Google him and match the face... He's very recognizable.

  6. Got it! I learned of him a few years ago, now I've been reading up on him again. Quite a character.

  7. Both a book and a documentary available. Would have liked to sat down and had a beer or two with him. Stories to tell, I'm guessing, that would not have made it into either book or film.
