Saturday, June 8, 2024

Revisiting the AMG Shower

Today I'm reposting some AMG shower photos that first appeared here three or four years ago.  At the time I had no names for any of the guys.  Today I am able to identify a few.  Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to put a name to a face, butt or other body part.  Effusive praise and recognition will follow.  

1. I think these two shower mates are the same guys in the last photo of this post.  Brian says that's Bill Ferguson on the left.  He's correct.  Cambria says the other guy is Joe Walker.  I have other photos of both guys.  

2. Nope.  I'm still drawing a blank on the names.  See comments.  Brian says this is Ross Yankey (left) and Bill Wright. 

3. The guy on the left looks vaguely familiar to me. 

4. The guy on the right looks like he's well over 6' tall.  Cambria says this is Vic Gibson (left) and Flash Myers.  I've posted other photos of them in the past.  See comments. 

5. Help me out. Jim Kessinger (left) and Ed Manning?  

6. Doug Scott and Rick Spencer.  Hey!  I got one! 

7. Same two guys in the first photo.  Bill Ferguson on the right.  Joe Walker on the left. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Sorry guys, but it's not Jim Kessinger with Ed Manning, it's Jimmy Jones. I have a photo with a name plate to prove it.

  2. Photo#4--Vic Gipson (Gibson) on the LEFT and Flash Myers on the RIGHT in the AMG Shower in 1961 after filming "Friendly Indian". John Manning was also in that film and showered with them for part of the shower session but not all of it. Flash Myers was unusually tall at 6 feet 3 inches or more and Vic Gipson was short.

  3. I can ID Bill Ferguson (aka Jim Hamilton) in photo #1 on the left and #7 on the right. I have no name for, his companion.

    #2 Ross Yankey (L) & Bill Wright. I have 2 other photos of this duo - one of which has the usual nameplate.

    1. Bob Mizer said the Taller Guy on the LEFT was Bill Wright and the shorter Man on the RIGHT was Ross Yankey. I will send you the BMF Photo so you can see for yourself. Mizer has each model marked with a name in his own handwriting.

  4. Photo #1 is JOE WALKER on the RIGHT with BILL FERGUSON and Photo #7 is JOE WALKER on the LEFT with BILL FERGUSON in the AMG Shower after making the 1965 AMG b&w short Posing Pouch Wrestling Film "Ferguson vs. Walker".
