Monday, August 24, 2020

Ugly Duckling Story

AMG and Old Reliable model Butch Berger did a photo shoot with Daniel Alan in the early 80s.  Here are two of the better ones from that day.  Butch looks a little emaciated compared to later photos and the perm did not improve his looks at all.  

Finding photos of Butch alone is almost impossible.  I know I've seen one or two from Old Reliable, but I can't find them.  For your comparison I include an AMG photo of Butch with Scott Ruffing in the mid 1980s.  Butch lost the perm and (I think) dyed his hair.  He also put on a few pounds of muscle and IMO looked a helluva lot better.  

He looked better every time I saw him and he grew on me over the years.  After I saw him in a hardcore porno (Boys Will Be Boys) I became a big fan.  He was paired with some guy named "Rod" and the two of them go full gamut hot and sweaty action that did not disappoint this viewer.  

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