Monday, October 5, 2020

He Paid A Heavy Price

Bottled blond Bobby Nelson by Athletic Model Guild, circa 1969.  Bobby did a ton of work for Pat Rocco where he usually appeared as a brunet. 

Bobby filed as a conscientious objector when he was drafted for the Vietnam war.  He served his military time in a mental institution.  


  1. Thanks for posting this, James. I have saved these photos to use later in a "they paid the price" series on my own blog. In these times, people need to understand their own history more than ever.

  2. Was he confined there or was he put to work there?

  3. Needs his pubes carefully styled.

  4. Blondiese blondie
    Bobby, een jongeman met een geweten.
    Hij kon beter op een man rijden dan op de motorfiets van Mizer.
