Saturday, November 14, 2020

Not Happy

Wayne Byrd (blond) and Chuck Naylor sharing the AMG shower.  I find the first photo most interesting.  If you look closely, the blond is showing a little more than usual for AMG during this period.  

Neither one of them looks too happy to be there. 


  1. I share your interest in the first photo. Is is possible that Mizer didn't publish it when first made?

  2. 'Knowing glances' im erotische badezimmer von Mizer.
    Gutaussehende gesichter und schones gesass dieser beiden. (vvs)

  3. Hey, James, I've found the name for these guys. The blond is Wayne Byrd (my software identified him) and the other guy is Chuck Naylor (the one with the 'End of the line' tattoo). I got Chuck's name by checking each GEVI entry for Wayne, and 'Byrd vs Naylor' [1975] fit the bill.
