Monday, April 12, 2021

Let's Get Physical

George White (standing) and Jimmy Lewis by AMG.  I must confess to having impure thoughts whenever I view this photo of Jimmy in that position. 


  1. I can understand your impure thoughts...the same occurred to me.

  2. It appears that the question of who's on the top is yet to be determined.

  3. White moes onsuiwer gedagtes gehad het, terwyl Lewis voorberei is vir die beste ervaring van die lewe. Albei moes diep vertroue in mekaar en Mizer gehad het. Mizer kon sy manlike liggaamsmodelle oortuig om enigiets te doen. -Praetorius

  4. Image audacieuse, il semble que le dominateur White va penetrer le Lewis consentant. Voila ! Mizer a defie les censeurs.
    -Beau Mec a Deauville
