Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Blond Boxer

I have no information on this photo.  Obviously it's vintage and I suspect it could well be from an amateur photographer.  


  1. Interesting that the lighting outlines his face, and his midsection. His penis and low hangers show well, too, thanks to the lighting that shows his tan lines so nicely. Thanks for a nice photo,James!

  2. He's very cute and his ears are getting me melting down. Not to mention his nice balls too.. YUMMY!

  3. Fin boxer et puguliste, un bel homme blond qui n'a pas peur de montrer sa tenacite et se beaute physique dans la nudite, sur en photo privee. Il est plus beau que Tab Hunter, sexuellement desirable.
    -Beau Mec a Deauville
