Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Introducing Nikos Makros

Nikos Makros by Champion. 


  1. Can I get one of these for my birthday next month? Can I can I can I buy please please please?

  2. Brouillette is seldom seen as a family name here in P. of Québec.
    I wonder if he is from here?

  3. I enlarged the posing strap shot to see if I could tell if he's circled or not, but could not tell. If he is cut, he'most likely American. If he's got skin, there's a good chance he's Quebecois.

    1. Yes it would be to check on for if he's uncut or not. As you mentionned, sadly many men from USA are cut. I was born in 1950 near Montreal and I'm uncut and very happy to be so.
      I prefer uncut men too.

  4. Could be Acadian, and he's a hairy devil. It's hard to imagine that is a 55 year old photo, which would put old Ron in his 70's. I wonder what he looks like today, if he's still around.

  5. I have half a dozen pics of him totally nude and, unfortunately, it looks to me like hes cut - a thin scar line and it appears to be on the "loose" side -

  6. This is definitely NOT Ron Brouillette. His name is Nikos Makros. I'll cite my 'goto' reference: malemodelsvintagebeefcake.blogspot.com

    Link: http://malemodelsvintagebeefcake.blogspot.com/search/label/Nikos%20Makros

    1. You're right and I should have caught that. My file was misnamed. Probably by me!

      I'll update this later.

  7. NM a la boudoir 1966, de la confiance seduisante a la crainte et au choc.
    - Beau Mec a Deauville
