Monday, December 6, 2021

Sit Down

As promised, here are a few more photos of Bob Dupre.  To the best of my knowledge, he was an AMG exclusive.  Handsome guy with a few bad boy tattoos, early 1950s. 

Are you sitting down, yet?  That's definitely Bob, but I can 't say it's AMG.  This photo would have been very verboten in the early 1950s. 


  1. Photo étonnante de son phallus en érection et engorgé,
    cela devait être une photo privée pour quelques privilégiés à voir.
    Dupre serait connu dans des milieux sélects.

  2. James I can not be 100% sure yet but I think that this Photo of Bob Dupre was by Lyle Frisby. The records indicate that BOB DUPRE posed for Lon of New York, Lyle Frisby and Bob Mizer in the early 1950s. I just do not think the style or setting is LON or Mizer. It looks more like Lyle Frisby photos from the early 1950s.
