Thursday, January 13, 2022

Hey Sailor! Come here often?

I have no information on this photo.  I like to think it was "Swimsuit Night" at the local gay bar.  

Nice watch, too. 

See Joe's note below for some background. 


  1. There is much to like about this photo

  2. This was taken at the bar in Duffy's Hotel which was in Cherry Grove Fire Island, late 1940s. Photograph by Paul Himmel. (may be 1948) This Old Hotel burnt down in 1956.

    1. This was before my time, but it sounds like part of your history. I knew someone would have the background history of this photo. Thanks so much for writing!

  3. Angenehmer und schoner anblick eines seeman und seines wohlgerformten gesasses. Sein begleiter an der bar wird sich freuen !
    Dahmer stromten die manner en scharen nach Fire Island !
