Saturday, February 5, 2022

I Heart the 80s

I recently found this promotion for a new book by Dian Hanson and David Hurles, the proprietor of Old Reliable.   The book showcases photos of the models David photographed in the 1980s with an emphasis on the clothes they wore when they showed up at David's door -- the same outfits they would wear walking the streets of West LA. 

It's also a "Whatever happened to?" type of book.  David provides updates on most of the models.  Which I'm sure makes for interesting reading.  Now I just have to remember where I found the link.  


Flash was also known as Chris Kapellas at AMG.  I'm sure this outfit, including the handcuffs, turned some heads. 

Bad lad Jerry Suter.  While he doesn't hold the record for the worst OR model, he came pretty damn close.  My friend Jerry at Vintage Muscle Men will soon provide an update on this piece of trash. 

This could easily become by favorite photo of Montana.  I can just see him walking Santa Monica Blvd, turning heads as he made his way to David's house. 

I think Springer was more of 1990s model than an 80s model -- although his first session at OR was in 1989.  And his hair tells me this might be that session.  But, look at this outfit.  If you listen closely, you can probably hear the Backstreet Boys in the background.  


  1. Is this book in production or lost to time? Haven't been able to find it anywhere under either name(s).

    1. I assume it's fairly new. I've never seen it before now. If and when I find information, I will post it to this blog.

  2. Das leben ist ein kabarett, und fur diese jungen manner voch viel mehr, das leben eines strichers. (vvs)
