Sunday, October 30, 2022

Daddy's Home!

Meet Matthew Marks.  I first saw him in an Old Reliable tape back in the 1980s and he grabbed my attention.  Matt was roughly six feet tall and carried a muscular body adorned with a few bad boy tattoos.  He was originally from West Virginia and he had that Appalachian drawl in his voice.   He was also a talkative fellow, making his OR sessions more interesting than the usual pose and stroke.  

Soon after seeing his first OR tape I discovered he also did some gay (and bisexual) porn.  I've seen most (if not all) of them -- purely for research, mind you.  There was nothing really special about them, but I did enjoy watching him interact with a partner.  In his second OR session he told David Hurles he was upset with one studio because they used his real name in the credits and on the box cover.  I'll spare you the suspense, the video is called Tough Iron and he was called...wait for it...Mark Mathews!  Clever, no?  

1 comment:

  1. Faint tan lines? Was Mr. Marks prone to sunning himself in the buff? He does have a nice rod.
