Thursday, October 13, 2022

Hello Handsome!

I like his face.  (Look up!)  

I never understood why guys got tattoos of pistols pointing to their...well, pistol.  


  1. Yeah, it's hard to miss that long-barreled gun, which is, as we see, hard

  2. I always had a crush on sailors. Since my young time, my uncle Roland who was a sailor was making my heart beat when he visited us. To tell you, je was a Bruce Willis face like and had this ancre tatoo on his arm too.

  3. My theory about the pointing pistols is that they were advertising for a day at the beach. "This mystery pistol package could be yours." I have about half a dozen early 20th C. tattooed men photos where they display some really ugly women. And I mean UGLY, even if we adjust our standards of female beauty to the era. Maybe I should do a series, "Ugly women on handsome men's bodies."
