Friday, October 21, 2022

Question Time

I recently posted some AMG photos of this handsome lad.  His name is Mike Dorsey and I've been wondering about something for a while now.  My friend at VMM contacted me and  apparently he's been wondering the same thing.  What are the tattoos directly above Mike's pubes? 

Below are a few photos I have that show the tattoos most clearly.  My best guess is (don't laugh) it looks like two strawberries with the one of them split or broken.  Below the fruit are two words.  One looks like it clearly says YOURS, while the other one starts with the letter M -- which makes me think it might say MINE.  

Of course i could be totally off base. That's why here at MFBT we ask the important questions, regardless of where they may lead us.  So tell us what you think.  Feel free to give us your best guess in the comments.  It can't be any stranger than mine.  Then again, the stranger the better.  


  1. Perhaps they are strawberries, or raspberries, as slang for the back hole. Maybe he is a top, and he will break your hole.

    1. Whoa! That's an angle I didn't expect. Hard to believe a Miizer model would advertise that with a tattoo. Sure, you might expect that from a street hustler...oh, wait. My bad.

  2. Such a great question! Looks like the printing under the figures may say "mine" and "yours." Not sure about that, though.

    1. Thanks for your vote! When I enlarged the photo to get a better look, I found myself distracted by the contents under the see-through pouch. 😮

  3. I used enlargement and sharpening software simultaneously, and my take is two strawberries, left intact and right broken, labeled "mine" and "yours" respectively. The tattoos are much easier to see in these than the original image posted.

    1. Thanks Jerry! All this talk about enlarging has my mind wandering to other thoughts.

  4. Dorsey hat einen ziemlichen 'aal' in seinem 'netz'.
    Sein tattoo ist das einer erfahrenen männlichen hure,
    die veilseitig ist und dich hart f*** wird.
