Tuesday, October 11, 2022

The Great Outdoors

Two photos from Wyngate & Bevins who were known for filming naked guys in the great outdoors.  I don't know where the top photo is from, but that's Sonny Landham on the right.  You can look him up on that internet movie database, or click on his label below.  

The second photo is from the film Ten Young Nudists At Fun And Games.  Far left, partially obscured by tree branches, is Monte Hansen.  Sam Hunter is on the left in the front row.  


  1. Wish I had been there! Some handsome guys and nice meat to work with.

  2. I didn't have the color versions of these, but now I do. Thanks, James!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The car in the background of the first photo is an early 60s
    Chrysler Imperial Le Baron, I can tell from the roofline, unique windshield pilar and if look closely you can see the open trunk with its distinct "flitesweep" trunk decoration. W&B must have made a mint to own a luxury like that. (Imperials cost more than Cadillacs in the 60's) W&B used to film at a "ranch" in the Homeland/Hemet area of Riverside County CA. The films can be seen on adult sites.
