Monday, November 21, 2022

By Special Request

Mike in Vancouver asked if I would post more photos of guys in the AMG shower.  My pleasure, Mike! 

Today I'll post some guys I don't recognize; however, a couple of them look vaguely familiar.  If I'm lucky, maybe ill get a few names from my informed and helpful followers.


Photo 1 - The guy on the right looks familiar.  

Photo 2 - I've got nothing on either one of these of the beefy guys

Photo 3 - I'm a little jealous of the guy in the middle.  I've seen the guy on the left somewhere.

Photo 4 - Again, nothing. 

Photo 5 - My favorite from this post. The guy on the left is hot and somewhat familiar.  It's that tattoo.  

Photo 6 - Nope.  I've got nothing. 

That's all for today.  A half dozen photos with a baker's dozen of models.  Enjoy!


  1. Nothing better than the intimacy of a shower buddy.

  2. Generally when they are AMG B&W Shower Photos 1969 or earlier the Men cover their Meat. 1970 to 1978 if they show the goods and photo is B&W. The first photo is 1970 to 1978 I think.
