A collection of classic male physique photos from the 20th century with an emphasis on the thousands of men who posed for Athletic Model Guild (AMG).
Monday, November 21, 2022
Early AMG Nude
Joe Dolan was presented in PP Vol 17 No 2-4 (Jan 1969). Mizer told us Joe was difficult to work with, which may explain why he was a one-time only model.
JOSEPH THOMAS DOLAN AKA JOE DOLAN posed in 1969 for AMG. He made one AMG short film in 1969 called "JOE DOLAN" which was a naked posing film. Bob Mizer's secret codes indicated that JOE would allow Men to suck him for money and did not claim he liked Women. Mizer also warned that JOE was mentally unstable.!!
JOSEPH THOMAS DOLAN AKA JOE DOLAN posed in 1969 for AMG. He made one AMG short film in 1969 called "JOE DOLAN" which was a naked posing film. Bob Mizer's secret codes indicated that JOE would allow Men to suck him for money and did not claim he liked Women. Mizer also warned that JOE was mentally unstable.!!