Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Into The Unknowns

I have a large number of vintage photos where I can't identify the models.  For some of them I have a guess for the photographer but I'd like to get more information, if possible.  (I'm looking at you,  Brian.). This will be the first of several postings of this type.  Any help would be much appreciated.  


First up is this handsome DILF from HRM.  I know that studio did a few films in the early 70s, but I can't say much about them or any of their models.  If it helps, it appears he's in a motel room.

Brian says this is Frank Nisi.  I would've never thought that was him. He posed for Bruce and I've posted a few of those photos a while back.  He's a keeper! 


Some of you may recall I have a thing for mirror shots and this one got my attention.  First of all, let's agree he's a handsome fella.  
I'm in lust for that mirror and intrigued by the photos attached at the bottom of it.  But I have no guesses as to model or photographer.  Maybe it's an amateur photo. 

I got a double confirmation on this guy.  Brian and jsstrand both say this is Ty Redifer from Calafran.  A new name for me.  I need to find some more on this guy.  


I get a John S. Barrington feel with this one, but the model appears to be circumcised.  That probably leaves out the British. 

This one wss labeled as a Colt photo.  Does anyone recognize that butt?  BTW, great hair! 

OK, this is an AMG photo and (believe it or not) I don't know the names of all of the 10,000 or so models who posed there.  I'm working on it, though.  

Damn he's a good-looking guy!  He can cook in my kitchen anytime.  There's another room where I wouldn't mind finding him as well.  BTW, what are those things on his forearms?  Heat protectors?  

Brian says this is Per Taboldy.  He was a very popular model with Foto Grafo from Sweden.  You can see why he was popular. 

I'm pretty sure this is a Wyngate & Bevins photo from one of their films.  That's Ron Wallace on the
right, but I would like names for the other guys -- especially the one seated next to Ron.  

To be continued...


  1. Magnificent collection, James! Could Barrington have photographed an American model? The man is definitely circumcised.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I disagree with the Joe Petricelli and Jack Renio IDs. I have three more (colour) photos of this group (in different poses), where the faces are more visible (and Joe's a favourite of mine, so I'm pretty familiar with him!). I'll send them to you James, so you can get a better look.

  3. Well, I'm up for the challenge! 1) Frank Nisi 2) Ty Redifer 3, 4 & 5) Sorry can't help 6) Per Taboldy 7) can help there either, sorry.

  4. #2 - Ty Redifer by El Sol Productions 6311 Yucca St Hollywood CA 90028 - p 29 of Sun Gods #1 pub 1968 by Calafran - he is in several different late 60s mags

    1. Thank you! I thought of Calafran when I posted it.

  5. #4 - pretty much looks like "Mike" (no last name given) according to Colt catalog #3 pub 1972 when they were still using the New York address - for the most part the guys in this catalog are only identified by first name or the type of photo set advertised - maybe someone put there has a last name for him

  6. Nydelige portretter an menn og deres manndom.
    Frank Nisi tar kakken med sin avslappede positur og fine fallus.
    Ty Redifer ser bra ut i det doble bildet av refleksjonen hans i speilet.
    Per Taboldy, populaer for sin vakre sopphode-fallus.
    - Colt mann er Tom Lee to av modellene deres hadde det navnet.
