Sunday, January 15, 2023

More of Stan

My friend Jerry over at VMM sent me three new photos of yesterday's model Stan Stanczyk.  I can't decide which one I like best. 


  1. I like the lighting in the third shot best, but all three are great. Of course, the male provided good material to work with.

  2. That didn't take long, lol. Glad to see them over here.

  3. ALL three photos are very good, I like the last one because of the unusual pose by Mr Stancyk and the lighting.
    Douglas Juleff was the best. -Rj

    1. agreed the bottom shows pits, and unusually well-defined anatomy

  4. Juleff etait ravi di beau Stanczyk comme il l'etait de Seipke, deux mannequins aux physiques exceptionnels.
    Ces trois photos revelent le talent artistique de Juleff, ainsi que le comportment reserve de Stanczyk et la fierte de son corps nu.
    Stanczyk du firmament polonais, il remporte une medaille d'or aux Jeux olympiques de Londres en 1948 en halterophilie et en musculation Mr South AAU 1951. L'athlete complet.
    -Beau Mec a Deauville

  5. On the last picture he had to hold his breath and stomach in so his face look a little tout. Like he was stretching. Not relaxing like the other pics.
