Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Nice Brows

Paul Andrews by ACME.  Yeah, me neither. 


  1. I was concentrating on something else's uncircumcised.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hmm, this photo has been cropped at the bottom (presumably to remove the catalogue/ref number 'G-9'). Incidentally, I have a (nude) photo of Paul that says "This photo was declared NOT obscene in a Federal Court.", which helps place it in time. Also, another one (by ACME) has a bit of biographical info and states that Paul was a Canadian Paratrooper. All up I have 10 photos of Paul. WOuld you like me to send you the others, James?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Acme, eh? It's from that Road Runner cartoon where the Coyote mails the Road Runner a package of physique photos hoping to distract the bird long enough to catch him. It backfires, of course, and the Coyote spends five years in jail for distributing obscene material through the U.S. mails.
