Thursday, September 7, 2023

One Time Only Models

Benny Proctor and Wayne Martin in their 1965 AMG wrestling film.  This is the only work either of them did at AMG. 

I first posted these photos about a year and a half ago.  Wayne looks remarkably similar to Roy Bergen, aka Champ, who showed up at AMG roughly 17 years later.  I'm trying to find some additional photos of Wayne.  Or Benny.  


1 comment:

  1. ROY BERGEN AKA RON COLLIER AKA CHAMP was born in 1964 in Fort Hood Texas. He did work for AMG and made a short film with Willie Amstel called "Amstel & Bergen" in 1985. He did work for Old reliable as Champ and made a short film for NOVA called 'Something Wild" in 1986. He passed away in 1990 from asphyxiation while extremely drunk.
