Sunday, September 3, 2023


Does anyone else think this might be AMG model Jim Lassiter? 


  1. I can't find any other pictures of him that are frontals, but I only have about ten. In all of them, he's pouched, leading me to think he did not pose naked, let alone half hard as in this shot. The face looks like his, and the "pose" leads me to think it was a candid shot of him shot when he'd just gotten up in the morning.

  2. The Photo is being sold at as a Soldier Washing Up.

  3. I must say, as a fan of Jim, it's not him. This guy's thighs aren't furry enough. I'm quite fond of a furry thigh, you see. Jim also has quite a nice 'treasure trail', which this guy lacks. I have 127 photos of Jim - 9 of which are frontals.

  4. Ce soldat, au phallus engorgé, il se lave après une liaison sexuelle à la caserne.
    -Beau Mec à Deauville
