Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Oh oh!

I have tested positive for Covid and I am feeling the symptoms.  It's like an upper respiratory cold.  I am congested, with a slight fever and a general feeling of being tired and weak.  The doctor gave me a prescription that does help with the symptoms, but I'm still tired.  

Posting will be light to nonexistent in the coming days. 

P.S. I think I got this photo from VMM.  No one would confuse me with the near naked model.  I never wear a jockstrap.  😄


  1. James, you have all my best wishes for a speedy recovery! And yes, have posted this picture before, but you might have acquired it on your own. It's shown up in a number of spots on line.

  2. James please get better soon. I will miss all your great posts on MFBT. When you get better get the New COVID Vaccine that is good for one year. Ever since I started wearing Masks and getting the COVID Vaccines I stopped getting colds or flu or anything. Try some Chicken Noodle soup and use Honey on your bread. Get well soon.!

  3. Oh no! The dreaded 'rona - supposedly Aussies call it that. We're known for shortening everything. Get well soon and rest up!

  4. Get well soon mate, thinking of you.
